English Theatre Group
As in the past, and as the organizer of The English Theatre Group at The University of Strasbourg I write to announce our next production in English.
The group returns with three more plays which investigate the varied and changing relationships in couples. The first “Four-Play” by Colin SMITH presents us two couples who are social neighbours and friends, but where the friendship sometimes goes a little further than just that. The second and third plays, both by David IVES, also concentrate on the theme of couples, but whereas the first, “The Other Woman”, is a mysterious dream - or nightmare – the second, “Foreplay or The Art of the Fugue” is a complete comic romp!
It’s certainly not necessary to be bilingual nor to have a very advanced level in English to be able to follow, and understand these plays: a good intermediate level is enough to follow and enjoy them!
Performances will be on Tuesday 5th, Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th, Friday 8th and Saturday 9th April 2011 at 8pm and on Sunday 10th April at 3pm, at the Lycée Ste Clotilde, entrance rue Schumann, Strasbourg, not far from Boulevard d’Anvers.
Tickets are available at 12€ (full price) and 6€ for students and children, at the door before performances.
In addition, on Thursday 7th April at 2pm, we shall be putting on an extra performance, especially, but not excusively, for school groups: tickets for this performance will be 4€.
This performance will only take place with a minimum of 40 prior reservations, so please reserve your places by Monday 4th April at the latest to guarantee the performance.
For further information or reservations, please call me at 06 84 15 15 19.
In a world where English is becoming more and more important in every domain internationally, I hope you will be able to circulate this letter to friends and colleagues around you and so take advantage of this opportunity to come and hear, see and experience this language live and in good company.
I hope to have the opportunity of seeing and speaking to you after (rather than during) one – or two –of our performances.
Yours theatrically,
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