Sciences et économie, événements
Rencontre avec Reinhold WURTHChristian MALARD Jim BITTERMANN Editorialiste Correspondant CNN Europe
Co-présidents de l’European American Press Club vous invitent le : Le Jeudi 19 Mai 2016 11h30 – 12h30/45 - Accueil des participants à partir de 11h à rencontrer : Reinhold WURTH Président du Conseil de Surveillance de la Fondation du Groupe Würth et fondateur du Groupe
sur le thème : D'un commerce de deux personnes à une multinationale leader sur son marché Sa vision des relations économiques franco-allemandes et européo-américaines « on the record, intervention en anglais » Lieu : Auditorium - 31 Avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie, 75116 Paris, métro: Alma Marceau GROUPE WÜRTH Créé en 1945, le Groupe Würth est leader mondial sur le marché de la fixation professionnelle avec un chiffre d’affaires de plus de 11 milliards d’euros en 2015. Chaque jour, plus de 30 000 commerciaux vont à la rencontre de 3 millions d’artisans et grands groupes en proposant plus de 100 000 références et services. Aujourd’hui, le Groupe Würth compte près de 69 000 collaborateurs et rassemble plus de 400 sociétés dans 80 pays du monde. En plus de son cœur de métier historique qui est la visserie et boulonnerie, le Groupe Würth a su au fil des années se diversifier grâce à de nouvelles gammes de produits telles que l’outillage, les produits chimiques, etc mais aussi en investissant dans divers secteurs d’activités notamment la production. Créée en 1967 à Erstein, en Alsace, Würth France est la 1ère filiale étrangère du Groupe, avec un chiffre d’affaires 2015 s’élevant à près d’1/2 milliard d’euros et près de 3800 collaborateurs. Le Groupe comprend 12 autres entreprises en France.
REINHOLD WÜRTH Né en 1935, Reinhold Würth débute en 1949 un apprentissage dans le commerce de visserie en gros créé par son père Adolf Würth à Künzelsau. Après le décès prématuré de ce dernier, il reprend la direction de l’entreprise en 1954, à l’âge de 19 ans. Rapidement, l’activité se développe et l’entreprise familiale acquiert une envergure nationale puis mondiale dès 1962. En plus de son activité commerciale, le Groupe est très impliquée dans les domaines de l’art et de la culture, de la recherche et de la science, ainsi que dans la formation et l’éducation sans oublier son engagement en faveur du handicap. Féru d’art, le Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth a souhaité partager sa passion avec ses collaborateurs et le grand public à travers la Collection Würth qui compte aujourd’hui plus de 17 000 œuvres régulièrement exposées dans les 15 musées Würth en Europe. Tout au long de sa carrière, le fondateur du Groupe Würth a reçu pour ses qualités d’entrepreneur et son engagement social et culturel de nombreux titres et distinctions. INVITATION aux membres d'Alsace Etats-Unis Précisez en vous inscrivant sur le site: Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. que vous êtes invités par Wurth France ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- « Reinhold Wurth» – Jeudi 19 Mai 2016– Accueil à partir de 11H Merci de retourner ce bulletin de participation par e-mail à Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.
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Exceptional AmCham Breakfast on Thursday Oct 2nd:Dear Members and Friends of AmCham, We are pleased to invite you to our exceptional AmCham Breakfast on Thursday Oct 2nd:
Partnerships with American Organizations and Institutions: IRCAD's success story with Professeur Jacques Marescaux, President and Founder of IRCAD CEO of the Image-Guided Minimally Invasive Surgical Institute (IHU Strasbourg) Founder of the European Institute for Telesurgery (EITS) Professor of Surgery
Come and listen to Professeur Marescaux tell us the story of IRCAD's stellar development over the past 20 years, an ambitious project started from scratch which led to the development of an internationally-acclaimed and uniquely-structured Institute combining fundamental research, training and state-of-the art medical imagery... all within the grounds of the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg. Professeur Marescaux, a true pioneer in his field, will share with us his experience working with American partners, whether companies, universities or institutions: what worked well? What was challenging? What advice would he give to other pioneers wanting to establish themselves on the US market? These are some of the questions he will cover for us.
“Your company is an excellent example of transatlantic cooperation and of technology, innovation and research, all essential elements in service to medical progress.” Craig R. Stapleton – Ambassador of the United States in France, 2005 – on IRCAD
Date: Thursday Oct 2nd 2014, from 8:00 to 9:30 am Venue: BIOCLUSTER DES HARAS - 23 rue des Glacières - 67000 Strasbourg
Recommended parking within the grounds of the Nouvel Hôpital Civil, entering through Porte Kirschleger.
Please see details on Professeur Marescaux's achievements in the attached short biography. Also read on IRCAD and watch this short video:
Do not hesitate to forward this invitation to anyone you think may be interested or benefit from it. This conference will be in English. It is free for Am Cham members: please R.S.V.P by email.
For non-members, please confirm your reservation by e-mail and by sending in parallel a check of 10 Euros per person made out to: AM CHAM, M. Patrick Dancourt, 70 avenue des Vosges – 67000 Strasbourg (Exceptionally, payment may be done on site prior to the start of the conference, either by check or in cash. Please do reserve your space by e-mail, though.)
As a reminder, the main goal of AmCham is to facilitate the local development of trade relations between French and American companies.
Looking forward to seeing you there. Sincerely,
Patrick Dancourt Regional President Thursday December 12th, next conference AmCham : The Transatlantic Security Agenda: an American PerspectiveDear Members and Friends of Am Cham, We are pleased to invite you to an exceptional conference about : The Transatlantic Security Agenda: an American Perspective With Léo Michel, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Strategic Studies
The USA and the European Countries have engaged major discussions to support a major change in our transatlantic business relationship and to support growth in general. This initiative is a critical element of our future business environment and we are very glad to benefit from the expertise and experience of a member of the US Senior Executive Service, M. Léo MICHEL who has held various Senior position in the US administration. This conference will be the opportunity to better understand the general perspective of these negotiations, its challenges but also the expected benefits analyzed by a Senior US officer. on Thursday, December 12th , from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. The venue is: ADIRA 3 quai Kléber, Immeuble “Le Sébastopol”, 12 ème étage 67000 STRASBOURG
The conference will be held in English. Do not hesitate to forward this invitation to anyone you think may be interested in this presentation. For non-members, please confirm your reservation by sending a check for 10 Euros per person made out to:
AmCham Breakfast : Conquering the US market: creating or developing a business?Dear Members and Friends of AmCham,
AmCham Breakfast Conquering the US market: creating or developing a business? Thursday 4th of July 2013 at 8 :00 am In the offices of the CCI in Strasbourg 10, place Gutenberg
Why would you set up your business in the US ? out of a sense of taste, of pleasure, of adventure, or out of necessity ?
Where should you set up your business in the US ? Boston, NYC, Chicago, Kansas City, San Francisco…
How to set up a business in the US ? By creating a 100% American company or a subsidiary of French Headquarters? What implications when it comes to financing, helps, visas, valuation of the companies, company taxes…
To debate over these questions, two heads of Alsatian companies present on the US market will share their experience with us.
And an accounting expert specialized in the US will give us an overview of the «dos and don’ts» in this market.
The turnover of RSI Video Technologies will reach close to $10 M this year, growing 50%. Jean-Georges PERRIN, founder and CEO of GreenIvory, decided very soon after the start of his company , a software vendor specialized in tools for the press (magazines and newspapers), to be present in the USA, as he thought the market was there for his products. Six years later, he shares his time between his Haguenau headquarters and Durham in North Carolina where the American office is located. He will share with us his optimism on the development of his company thanks to the other side of "the pond", read the Atlantic. The conference will be held in English. Do not hesitate to forward this invitation to anyone you think may be interested in this presentation.
For non-members, please confirm your reservation by sending a check for 15 Euros per person made out to: AmCham
American Chamber of Commerce in France M. Patrick Dancourt 70, avenue des Vosges 67000 STRASBOURG
(Payment could be done on site just before the conference. Confirm your reservation by email) As a reminder, the goal of the AmCham is to facilitate local development of trade relations between French and American companies.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Patrick Dancourt Regional President
Conférence AmCham le 9 avril 2013
Dear members and friends, Our association is growing. I am very glad and very excited to inform you of the extension of our activities in Moselle. With a strong support of its business community, with the support of Metz Métropole, of the CCI Moselle, of the World Trade Center, and in partnership with Georgia Tech Lorraine, we are starting our activities in Metz with an outstanding conference on April 9th. Dear Members and Friends of AmCham, we are very pleased, in collaboration with Georgia Tech Lorraine, to invite you to our next event, the conference: Academic excellence supporting innovation in the industry and in small businesses With : Pr. Abdallah Ougazzaden, Director at Georgia Tech Lorraine of the International Joint Unit between
CNRS and Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Tech is one of the most famous research Institution in North America and in the world and Pr. Ougazzaden, will explain to us how, in our region, The Georgia Tech Lorraine campus and teams are leading strong research programs in various directions with a strong engagement and for the benefits of various companies including small businesses. In a period where the search for innovation and differentiation is a key strategic development for many of our companies, this is a unique opportunity to better understand how to collaborate with such an institution and how to succeed in this approach.
Conférence AmCham le 4 avril 2013
Dear Members and Friends of AmCham, An exemplary competitiveness program at Daramic (including the visit of their manufacturing site in Alsace)
With :
Alain Muller - Plant Manager
Jean-Francois Gsell - Director of Finance Europe & Asia
All major global companies are permanently working at improving their competitiveness. This visit and this conference will be a great opportunity to observe and learn how a “competitiveness program” (Bravo) is implemented on a manufacturing site part of a global company with specific business goals and key metrics to measure the results, leveraging benchmarking techniques to succeed. on Thursday, April 4th , from 6:15 to 8:00 pm . Daramic Plant 25 rue Westrich 67600 Selestat (see access map below for directions) The conference will be held in English. Do not hesitate to forward this invitation to anyone you think may be interested in this presentation. This event is free for Am Cham members. For non-members, please confirm your reservation by sending a check for 10 Euros per person made out to: AmCham American Chamber of Commerce in France M. Patrick Dancourt 70, avenue des Vosges 67000 STRASBOURG As a reminder, the goal of the AmCham is to facilitate local development of trade relations between French and American companies. Looking forward to seeing you there. Sincerely, Patrick Dancourt Regional President
Conférence AmCham le 20 novembre 2012
Invitation à une conférence en Anglais le 20 novembre 2012. "Time to innovate with TRIZ: how to boost the innovation process of your company through a unique and very effective method?" With : Denis Cavallucci, Professor at INSA Simon Fuhlhaber, President at Time-to-Innovate Pascal Sire, TRIZ expert and Deputy Secretary at ARISAL (Association Régionale des Ingénieurs et Scientifiques d’Alsace) Cliquez ici pour plus de détails (fichier pdf) Document à retourner pour l'inscription (fichier word)
Info de dernière minute: Dear Members and Friends of AmCham, As a reminder our next conference on Tuesday November 20, will be dedicated to the Innovation Process, please note, in addition to the initial invitation (see below), the exceptional participation of M. Pierre HUSS from ALSTHOM TRANSPORT who has been experiencing the method described in the conference. I hope to see you on Tuesday, Best regards, Patrick DANCOURT AmCham -Conférence et invitation visite Telecenter 09.10.2012
Dear Members and Friends of AmCham, We are pleased to invite you to our next event, the conference: "Work is no longer a place you go, it's a thing you do" Increasing the competitiveness of our companies or organizations is also about changing the way we work. So it's time to change the way we work. Information and Communication Technology combined with flexible workspaces can change the world. on Tuesday, October 9, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. The conference will be held in English. L'américain ES Robbins installe son QG Europe à StrasbourgActualité des Entreprises sur le site de l'ADIRA L'américain ES Robbins installe son QG Europe à StrasbourgLa société ES ROBBINS est spécialisée dans la conception, la fabrication et la commercialisation de produits à base de plastiques extrudés (volets de porte industrielle, boîtes plastiques, protections de tapis). Ces produits sont utilisés par l’industrie, le secteur tertiaire et les sociétés agroalimentaires. Pour en savoir plus : 20 octobre 2010, “Knowledge-Building” par l’American Chamber of Commerce, Chapître Alsace-Lorraine “Knowledge-Building” par l’American Chamber of Commerce, Développer ses compétences tout au long de sa vie professionnelle fait partie des enjeux majeurs actuels. Le “knowledge-building” est un élément clé que l’AmCham Alsace-Lorraine s’efforce depuis longtemps de développer auprès de ses membres et de ses amis au moyen de conférences et de réunions. Afin de compléter et de renforcer cette prestation, l’AmCham Alsace-Lorraine a décidé de mettre en place un programme de formations spécifiques destinées au management. La particularité de ces modules spécialisés en stratégie d’entreprise, en communication, en droit, en ressources humaines, etc., est de vous proposer une formation dans votre domaine, en anglais, la langue que vous êtes le plus souvent amené à parler lors de vos réunions professionnelles. Nous avons donc le plaisir de vous inviter, ainsi que vos collaborateurs intéressés, à la soirée de lancement du programme “Business Tools in English” au Pôle Formation CCISBR Nous vous ferons alors découvrir les possibilités avec les détails des formations proposées. Vous trouverez ci-joint un carton d’invitation qui vous donnera plus d’informations quant au déroulement de la soirée. Merci de nous confirmer votre venue en vous inscrivant en ligne avant le 10 octobre 2010 à l’adresse : Dans l’espoir de pouvoir vous accueillir parmi nous. Pour tout renseignement complémentaire : Vincent Froehlicher Vice Président, Alsace Etats-Unis |