Message du "Youth & Student Committee Association Alsace/Etats-Unis"
Dear friends,
It has been a while but we will make it up to you ! We invite you to two events on Sunday, October 18th and Friday, October 23rd !
This is all the details ! Do not forget to contact us to confirm your presence !
Our activities are open to both French (and any nationality of locals in Strasbourg) and visiting American students, the goal being to bring Americans and French together and to foster greater knowledge and understanding through the building of connections and bridges.
1. Sunday October 18th: Culture Shock: Dinner Buffet: 6pm
This first event is called "Culture Shock!" and will be a dinner get -together on Sunday October 18th at the Chateau de Pourtalès. The exact time is still to be defined but it will be early (American dinner time....another topic that can be discussed) either at 5pm or 6pm. Students must bring a dish from their region, self made. There is no charge for this activity. The number of guests is however limited and all students wishing to register for this event MUST send me an email for me to give them the ok.
2. Friday October 23rd: Halloween Party at the Chateau
This is one of the favorite events of the year. Students are now invited to join the organising teams. Please let me know if you would like to participate in the organisation fo the party together with the Amercian students at the Chateau. They will be hosting the party but would be grateful for extra help in any teams whether it be creative, decorating, music DJing, purchasing, budgeting, manning the door or most importantly the clean-up team at the end (which is always the funniest team).
Students are also invited to merely join the party.
All students MUST contact me to be put on the list of participants. All students wishing to attend this party must be members of the Association Alsace Etats-Unis. If you are not a member yet, please contact me (or Coline, my co-administrator who will certainly reach out to you again with the Facebook page info). If you join the association now, your subscription will be valid for 2016.
Visit the website of the association for more information.
Petra's e-mail:
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Coline's e-mail:
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